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New York, United States
Married for 16 years and mom of three beautiful children ages 8, 12, and 14.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Eating Naturally Thin-Day twenty six, I think I could get used to this...

For most of the day I opted for healthier versions of foods I used to eat B.B.(Before Bethenny). For instance, instead of eating regular bacon and eggs (like my husband did) I ate turkey bacon and egg whites for breakfast/lunch. For dinner we ordered KFC. I normally would eat original chicken, potato wedges, a large macaroni and cheese,and even a biscuit or two (I can't believe I used to eat so much). Tonight, the new me ordered 2 grilled chicken pieces, corn on the cob, and a small serving of macaroni and cheese. I love (yes, love) their macaroni and cheese. I ate the "downsized" portion, savored every bite, and was completely satisfied. The great thing is that no food is off-limits. I just balanced the macaroni and cheese (a high investment) with the grilled chicken (low investment). I ordered the corn on the cob, instead of a biscuit and potato wedges. The end result: My meal was delicious, I wasn't deprived, and it didn't feel like I was on a "diet".

PS. I wish I could say this post had a happy ending, but I can't! Later on in the evening I ate two pieces of the extra crunchy KFC chicken that was left over (whywasn't put away). I gave in to my stinking food voice after making healthy choices all day!

Note to self: IGNORE MY FOOD NOISE!!!!! I won't beat myself up though because after all, Rome wasn't built in one day...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Naturally Thin eating- to share or not to share? Day twenty five...

One of the rules in Bethenny's book is "Downsize now". This rule has helped me a lot throughout the day. Following the "Downsize now" rule, I no longer use regular size dinner plates when eating. I now use smaller plates to put my food on. A dinner plate seems so huge now! Another thing I've been doing as part of downsizing is SHARING. Bethenny suggests sharing food in order to downsize. I'm all about the sharing now. If only I could get my other family members to WANT TO SHARE :) Actually, my youngest son and I have been doing some sharing lately. For example, one of my favorite treats are Weight Watchers muffins (blueberry and chocolate). Now they are not huge muffins,but I've been splitting the muffin in half and sharing it with my son. It satisfies my "craving", I downsize, and I share a bond with my son (he loves to do this). It's a win-win situation all around!!! Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Naturally Thin--Day twenty four

Today was a busier than usual day for me. I was running around all day and normally I(the old me)would make unconscious eating choices on the run. This was not the case today I am proud to say. I didn't have time to eat breakfast so I made a quick delicious protein shake, blended with strawberries, before leaving for a meeting. Lunch was a sandwich and dinner was a grilled cheeseburger with some cherries. Although I had a carb lunch I had the cheeseburger anyway because that's what I really wanted. If I would have denied myself I would not have been happy. It would have felt as if I were on a diet and that is not what this program is all about. No deprivation. No dieting. So far so good...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day twenty three--over the eating spree!

Well for the past few days I've been hungry, hungry, hungry. I thought something was wrong with me and was beginning to think I couldn't be Naturally Thin. I was just so hungry and didn't make the best decisions eating wise. Today was a different story. I seem to be over my eating spree and I couldn't be happier. The main concept I am grasping is to listen to your inner self. It sounds weird, but when you think about it, it makes sense. Presence is key for everything you do in life. Too many times we get bogged down with the constant chatter in our mind. I now realize that there are going to be days when I'm hungrier than others and if it's true hunger then that's okay too. Bethenny even mentions this in her book. There are days when she is hungry and then they are days when she doesn't get hungry. Trust yourself and everything will be okay!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Naturally Thin Eating...Day twenty two- whoo hoo!

What I've learned from this experience so far is that Naturally Thin eating is not going to happen over night. It is truly a matter of getting rid of the bad eating habits we picked up growing up and in essence "re training" your inner food voices. There is no magic pill to swallow and no special diet to follow. It is simply a matter of making a deliberate inner change with your relationship to food and all that food stands for in your life. I have literally found this process to be a day to day, moment to moment way of balanced healthy eating. Isn't this what we all want? If so, why is it so hard for some people to do? Could it be that we do not think we are worthy of being healthy and happy? I have been asking myself this question for the past couple of days. After two and a half weeks of eating "properly" I found myself making the worst food decisions almost to the point of sabotaging myself. This is a vicious cycle that I hope to break sooner rather than later in life. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I refuse to lose this inner battle with food. I am a winner! Here is an excerpt from Bethenny's "Naturally Thin Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting":

If you wish desperately that you were one of those naturally thin people, but you don't really believe, deep down, that you are, guess what. It's all a misconception. Being naturally thin isn't some state of being beyond your grasp. You are naturally thin. You just have to make a few simple changes to let your natural thinness emerge. You will be one of those peope you wished you could be in high school. You will be one of those people that others look at and wonder... (p. 2).

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Help! I need somebody, help, just not anybody! Day twenty-one

That old Beatles song is loudly ringing in my head today! "Help I need somebody, help, not just anybody, help, you know I need someone, help!" Bethenny are you there?! It's day twenty-one folks and I have not gotten back into the Naturally Thin way of thinking or eating. I wish I knew why, but of course if I knew then I would have written the book, right? Tomorrow begins week four of this "experiment" and with eight weeks to go I refuse to give up. I'm going to get my head back in the game starting right now. I don't believe in saying "tomorrow", because "tomorrow" never comes. All we have is right now so I am going to start right now...